" Thinking out loud ... "


Rohan Perera

I love writing code. It has been a passion since I started coding with C++. The software Industry is like Ocean. It is vast and a never-ending puzzle. I started diving deep in that Ocean, tried many languages including C#, Java, and Php. Java became my perfect partner.

For my first professional contract, I got the opportunity to develop a system to improve the decision making power of company management by injecting C#, HTML with their existing Database.

The code we write may be bootless tomorrow, yet if improve the life today, that's what I am passionate about.

" Thinking Out Loud ... "

I'm Rohan Perera

What I have Done

"Cobia 1.0" Platform

This Project provides a platform to build user-friendly, less time consuming, and Unique front-end applications using Angular Framework. This project intended to automate the angular components and forms development.

Angular, Typescript, JS

REST API Based HR System

It's a Customizable HR System suitable for Small Scale Companies. Includes Employee Management, Attendance manipulation, Leave Management, and Handling Employee Salaries.

Java, Spring Boot, Angular, Hibernate, Maven, MongoDB and MySQL

See in Github

Flintec Machine shop Visualization

Realtime key performance monitoring system for Flintec, Sri Lanka which includes monitoring system for the machine shop including monitoring Overall OEE, NRFT, deviation of the target from the actual quantity, machine breakdowns, unplanned machines with user friendly advanced features.

C#, Asp.net, SQL Server and Power Bi

Business Solution

Freelance project to Improve Customer Relationship Management for Cool A/C.

Java, Spring Boot, Angular, Hibernate, Maven and MongoDB

Business Solution

It is a business solution for small scale supermarket including Inventory Management, Point of Sales functions, and Customer Relationship Management under the supervision of a University Academic Supervisor.

C#, MySql

See in Github

"Salon No.1" Administration System

This project caters the requirement of "Saloon No.1", which enables them to have proper control over their management activities.

C# and SQL Server

Technology Stack